Archive for April, 2011

I hate people who make shopping an even worse hell

Going to the store is bad enough.  The bright, buzzing lights, annoying tinned music, and glaring advertisements set my teeth on edge.  I have to buy food, therefore I tolerate these things.  It’s the people, however, which take this hell to a whole new level. Let’s start with the store manager.  A pretentious weeble-wobble of […]

I hate people who misuse e-mail

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Now, I rather love e-mail.  It fulfills the need to communicate with the outside world without painful and tedious phone conversations. There’s less room for misunderstandings.  It doesn’t barge its way into your life and it doesn’t demand to be dealt with this instant.  You can skim the boring or superfluous parts without spending hours […]

I hate people who…

I try to be a fairly nice person.  I smile at random strangers on the street so that they understand I am not a threat, and I don’t show too many teeth (as I understand that can also be interpreted as a threat…people are complicated).  I say “thank you” when appropriate, I tip generously, and […]