Archive for May, 2011

I hate tourists.

You have to know what you’re doing. There is no possible way you are just standing there, blithely ignorant of the fact that your khaki-garbed ass is taking up the entire sidewalk while you gawk at the pigeon deterrents on the condo balconies. Furthermore, there’s no fucking way pigeon deterrents are that fascinating. Therefore, I […]

I hate people who maliciously manhandle the language

Now, in principle, I’m talking about all languages. Whether you’re communicating in Esperanto or Egyptian hieroglyphics, it behooves you to try to do it in a way which actually communicates what you’re trying to say. As opposed to something else, like the opposite of what you’re trying to say. But I must begin this rant […]

I hate people who drag you to parties

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For introverted misanthropes, parties are a minefield of unwanted, awkward social interaction. So this isn’t really just about the people who get you there, but that’s the start. Because inevitably the whole ordeal begins with someone deciding you need to get out more. They mean well. They think it’ll do you good. They just can’t […]